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Created: January 30th 2012
Last updated: May 1st 2020
Categories: Typo3
Author: Marcus Fleuti

Clear tt_news Cache for regular typo3 (non-admin) users

Tags:  tt_news,  Typo3
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Clear the TT_News cache for regular users

If a regular user creates a new news entry the Typo3 cache needs to be cleared in order to display the new entries on the page. This can be done like this:

Insert this into the root page TSconfig

#id number(s) of the page(s) or "all" if you want to clear the cache of all pages
TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd = 35,40

Change the permissions for the group in the user TSconfig

This allows the user to gain the access to the clear cache function.

options.clearCache.pages = 1
options.clearCache.all = 1