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Created: May 15th 2012
Last updated: May 1st 2020
Categories: Typo3
Author: Marcus Fleuti

Typo3 :: Enlarging the RTE windows in the TYPO3 backend

Tags:  RTE,  Typo3
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Enlarging the Typoscript and RTE windows in the TYPO3 backend

It could be unhandy at times to haveto work in the default sizes of the htmlArea RTE text-editor and the Typoscript constants en setup windows. This can easily be changed by modifying the backend user and the user settings.

Changing the size of the TYPO3 RTE

For the RTE this can easily be changed by editing the backenduser (via the List View under the globe level). There under options you can add your desired dimensions of the small version of the RTE :

options.RTESmallWidth = 800
options.RTESmallHeight = 600

After this the RTE should look like :