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Created: July 10th 2012
Categories: Apple OS X
Author: Marcus Fleuti

Howto reset administrator (root) password on Mac OSX 10.7+ (Lion, Mountain Lion) - Administrator (root) Passwort auf MacOSX zurücksetzen

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How to reset the password in MacOSX Lion/Mountain Lion when forgotten or lost

1. Shutdown your Mac (turn completly off)
2. Press and hold the 2 keys CMD + R  and turn your computer on while holding down these 2 keys
3. The computer will start a recovery system. As soon as the recovery system has loaded you can release the 2 keys mentioned in step 2.

4. Start the Terminal application:

5. Enter "resetpassword" and press ENTER

6. Set a new password for the desired account(s) and click on "save" (Sichern)

7. Done.