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If you try to update the languages within Typo3 you receive errors like this:
It's a compatibility issue. Typo3 6.x runs only on PHP versions > 5.3.7 (see
You need to update your Debian PHP version. Unfortunately if you're running Debian Squeeze (6.x) PHP 5.3.3x is the newest you can get. You could now make a distribution upgrade to version 7.x (which might harm your installation). The easier way is to use the PHP packages from dotdeb ( This is quite easy:
1. Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list
nano /etc/apt/sources.list
2. Add the following 2 (or 3) lines of code
#dotdeb - PHP update deb squeeze all deb-src squeeze all
3. Make an update/upgrade. If you're asked about configuration files choose to keep existing configurations and leave everything as is (only update the PHP libs):
aptitude update
aptitude upgrade
4. DONE! 🙂