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Created: November 14th 2013
Last updated: May 1st 2020
Categories: Linux,  Typo3
Author: Marcus Fleuti

Typo3 6.x Language Administration update errors in Debian (squeeze) using PHP 5.3.3x

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The symptom

If you try to update the languages within Typo3 you receive errors like this:


The reason

It's a compatibility issue. Typo3 6.x runs only on PHP versions > 5.3.7 (see

How to solve this

You need to update your Debian PHP version. Unfortunately if you're running Debian Squeeze (6.x) PHP 5.3.3x is the newest you can get. You could now make a distribution upgrade to version 7.x (which might harm your installation). The easier way is to use the PHP packages from dotdeb ( This is quite easy:

1. Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

2. Add the following 2 (or 3) lines of code

#dotdeb - PHP update
deb squeeze all
deb-src squeeze all

3. Make an update/upgrade. If you're asked about configuration files choose to keep existing configurations and leave everything as is (only update the PHP libs):

aptitude update
aptitude upgrade

4. DONE! 🙂