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You can use the following CMD file for this. It's quite simple and does some basic error testing as well. Please note that we do NOT take any responsibility for the code. Please test it intensively before going productive with it:
@echo off echo Backing up all MySQL databases to: echo C:\MySQLBackup\MySQL_DB_Dump_all-databases.sql. Pleae wait... rem Check if mysqldump.exe program is here if not exist "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysqldump.exe" goto error rem Delete old (previous) dump and make a clean/new one if exist "C:\Datatrack\MySQL\Backup\MySQL_DB_Dump_all-databases.sql" del /f /q "C:\Datatrack\MySQL\Backup\MySQL_DB_Dump_all-databases.sql" rem the parameter "2>nul" below suppresses the information message from mysqldump informing about insecure passwords in CMD files. "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysqldump.exe" -uRootUserName -pRootPassword -hlocalhost --all-databases > "C:\MySQLBackup\MySQL_DB_Dump_all-databases.sql" 2>nul if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (goto error) goto ende :error echo Attention! There was an error backing up the MySQL databases! echo Please check the backup script and the backup itself for errors: echo c:\path-to-this-script.cmd goto ende :ende