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The word "viagra" can be written in many ways. It's difficult to create proper filtering to filter out all variations of spam e-mails containing the word viagra. We've written a regex expression that manages to filter out many different kinds of viagra e-mails.
VIagra V.i.a.gra Viiaaagr4 Vi@gra V i a g r a V1AGR@ V1agra VI.A.G.R.A VIAGR@ Viagra Viagra viagr@ VlAGR@ V.l.A.G.R.A V_iagra vi.a.g.r.a Vi-agra V I A G R A V1AGRA VViagra V.iagra Viagr a V.I.A.G.R.A Via-gra Vviagra Viagara VlAGRA Vi@gr@ V-i-@-g-r-a V.IAGRA V1@GRA Viagraa Via.gra Viagrra viagra VIAGRA Viagr@ Viagra V%iagra V|agr@ V,I,A,G,R,A V.I,A.G,R.A V iagra Viagr*a Vi^agra V'1'a'g'r'a Viagraaaaa Via.graa V-i-a-g-r-a Vi.agra v-i-a-g''r''a V'l'a'g'r'a Viagr.a vit&agra
That is fairly easy.
Let us know if you have any questions or further inputs regarding this matter.
Enjoy! 🙂
If you want to test if the regex is working properly you can go here:
The above rules use the ignore case (/i) flag. They are explictly written to ignore cases because Postfix ignores cases in its PCRE config files by default.