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This is an algorithm used to create check digits. It's based on recursive usage of Modulo10.
Creating a check digit (algorithm)
Here is a PHP function which can be used to create check digit from any numerical string:
function get_check_digit($input) { $input = trim($input); if (ctype_digit(strval($input)) === false && is_string() === false) return "ERROR: input must be an integer sent as a string. Example: not 1234 or 1234.5 but '1234'!"; $arrayTable = [0,9,4,6,8,2,7,1,3,5]; $carry = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) { $carry = $arrayTable[($carry + substr($input, $i, 1)) % 10]; } return (10 - $carry) % 10; }