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Laravel Breeze is a minimal and simple implementation of all of Laravel's authentication features. It includes features such as:
The default view layer is made up with simple Blade templates styled in the new Tailwind CSS (CSS Framework)
First you have to create a new Laravel application. There are different ways to create Laravel applications. I chose the creation over Composer. If you are using Composer for the Laravel project creation too just run this command:
composer create-project laravel/laravel test-app
After you created your Laravel application, navigate into the project directory and execute the Artisan migrate command, which runs the database migrations:
php artisan migrate
Now you have a plain Laravel application but without Laravel Breeze. To install Laravel Breeze you need to run the following Composer command:
composer require laravel/breeze --dev
After installing the Breeze package to your Laravel application, you still need to run the Artisan install command. This command publishes the authentication views, routes, controllers and other resources for your application.
Run the following commands to finish the installation (Make sure NodeJS is installed and you can run npm):
php artisan breeze:install npm install npm run dev php artisan migrate
After those steps you are able to serve your application and may navigate to /login or /register. All of the routes from Breeze are located in the routes/auth.php file.