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Do you need to check if an element is on screen? If so, we have a simple-to-use function ready that allows you to do so.
* Tests whether an element is present on screen.
* Returns true if the given element is on screen and false if not.
* @param {HTMLElement} elem The element whose presence is to test for.
* @param {Boolean} allowElemBehind If enabled, return true even if the element is behind of the screen area.
* @param {Boolean} allowElemAhead If enabled, return true even if the element is ahead of the screen area.
* @returns {Boolean}
function onScreen(elem, allowElemBehind = false, allowElemAhead = false) {
const scrollDist = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
const elemOffset = window.scrollY + elem.getBoundingClientRect().top;
if (!allowElemBehind && !(elemOffset + elem.offsetHeight > scrollDist))
return false;
if (!allowElemAhead && !(scrollDist + window.innerHeight > elemOffset))
return false;
return true;
The "onScreen" function returns true if the element is on screen and false if not. It takes three parameters:
onScreen(elem, allowElemBehind = false, allowElemAhead = false); // returns either true or false
onScreen(document.getElementById('foo')); // tests if the element with the id of 'foo' is on screen