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Created: October 21st 2021
Last updated: October 21st 2021
Categories: IT Knowledge
Author: Elzan Ajdari

CMD basic commands

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What is CMD?

CMD in Windows stands for command prompt

CMD is a user interface which can execute commands. There are many different functions or commands in cmd. There are windows based commands, network commands, office 365 commands and a lot more!

Network commands

Below you can see the basic network commands.


ping ~ if you want to check if your computer has a connection to an IP address or to an other pc you can ping the adress and you will send 4 data packets, if the connection is there, you will also recieve the packets back.



ipconfig ~ to see the IP addresses of your computer, you can use the command "ipconfig"


ipconfig/all ~ if you add "/all" after "ipconfig" you can see all your IP addresses more detailed.

















nslookup ~to check your local DNS server and its IP address, you can run the command "nslookup".


Other basic commands

ctrl + c  ~ends the previous command and adds a new line
cls  ~clears all commands, cmd display resets.

Fun commands

color () ~changes the color of the text and background of the interface.