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Created: July 6th 2022
Last updated: November 25th 2024
Categories: IT Support
Author: Elzan Ajdari

Office 365 P1 disable Viva Insights for your organisation

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What are "Viva Insights" in Outlook?

Viva Insights reminds employees about tasks or appointments that are to be worked on or attended throughout the day using Outlook's calendar.

It also monitors how much time employees spend on using Microsoft 365 apps such as "Microsoft Teams".

How do "Viva Insights" look in Outlook?

Daily briefing and MyAnalytics branding updates to reflect Microsoft Viva - Microsoft Tech Community

Disable "Viva Insights" for your organisation

- Log in with your administrator account on

- Next, click on the "Settings" option in the menu on the left.

- Select "Organization Settings".

- Beneath "Briefing E-Mail from Microsoft Viva," you will now find the box that disables Viva insights.

As shown in the following (german) screenshot: