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Created: October 1st 2024
Last updated: October 1st 2024
Categories: Common Web Development,  IT Development,  IT Knowledge,  Php,  Wordpress
Author: Aleksandar Pantic

Understanding the WordPress Template Hierarchy

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In the ever-expanding world of WordPress development, understanding how templates work is crucial for customizing your site's design and functionality. One of the most important aspects of theme development is the WordPress Template Hierarchy, a system that determines which template file is used to display different content on your website. This blog post will explore the WordPress Template Hierarchy, explaining how it works and how you can leverage it to build more dynamic themes.

What is the WordPress Template Hierarchy?

The WordPress Template Hierarchy is a system of rules that WordPress uses to decide which template file in your theme is displayed for different types of pages, such as single posts, pages, category archives, or the homepage. The hierarchy provides a fallback mechanism: if WordPress can’t find a specific template, it moves down the hierarchy to a more general template.

For example, when viewing a single blog post, WordPress will check the following template files in order:


If none of the specific templates exist, WordPress will ultimately load the most generic one, `index.php`. This fallback system ensures that your content will always be displayed, even if you haven’t created a specific template for every page type.

How Does the Template Hierarchy Work?

Let’s take a deeper look at how WordPress determines which template file to use for various types of content:

1. Single Posts
For single posts, WordPress will look for the most specific template available:

single-{post-type}-{slug}.php   // Specific to a post type and post slug
single-{post-type}.php          // Specific to a post type
single.php                      // Generic single post template
index.php                       // Fallback template

This gives you the flexibility to create unique layouts for specific post types (like custom post types) or even individual posts.

2. Pages
Pages have a similar structure, but with a focus on page slugs rather than post types:

page-{slug}.php  // Specific page by slug (e.g., about-us.php)
page-{ID}.php    // Specific page by ID
page.php         // Generic page template
index.php        // Fallback template

This allows you to create custom layouts for important pages like your homepage or contact page, without affecting other pages.

3. Category and Tag Archives
For category archives, WordPress looks for templates in the following order:

category-{slug}.php   // Specific to a category slug
category-{ID}.php     // Specific to a category ID
category.php          // Generic category template
archive.php           // Generic archive template
index.php             // Fallback template

Similarly, for tag archives:

tag-{slug}.php       // Specific tag archive
tag.php              // Generic tag template
archive.php          // Generic archive template
index.php            // Fallback template

4. Custom Post Types
Custom post types have their own hierarchy. If you create a custom post type, WordPress will look for:

single-{post-type}.php  // Specific to custom post type
archive-{post-type}.php // Archive for custom post type
index.php               // Fallback template

Example: Creating a Custom Template for a Category

Let’s say you want to create a custom template for your "News" category to have a different layout than the default category page. WordPress will first look for `category-news.php`. If this file doesn’t exist, it will fall back to `category.php` and, if necessary, to `archive.php` or `index.php`.

To create a custom template, follow these steps:
1. Create a file named `category-news.php` in your theme directory.
2. Add your custom HTML and PHP code to customize the look of the News category.
3. Save the file, and WordPress will automatically use this template for all posts under the "News" category.

Template Hierarchy for Other Content Types

WordPress handles many other types of content, each with its own template hierarchy:

  • Author Pages: WordPress looks for author-{ID}.php or author.php
  • Search Results: Uses search.php to display search result pages.
  • 404 Pages: If a page is not found, WordPress loads 404.php
  • Attachment Pages: Uses attachment.php or a mime-type-specific template like image.php for images.

Why is the Template Hierarchy Important?

The WordPress Template Hierarchy is essential because it offers a clear structure for managing how different content is displayed. Whether you’re building a custom theme from scratch or making modifications to an existing theme, understanding this hierarchy will save you time and effort. It ensures that your site is consistently styled and that fallback templates are always available, even if specific templates aren’t in place.


Understanding the WordPress Template Hierarchy gives you full control over how different types of content appear on your website. By leveraging the hierarchy, you can create highly customized themes, target specific pages or post types, and provide a unique user experience. Start by experimenting with templates in your theme, and you’ll quickly see how this powerful system can simplify your development process and enhance your site’s flexibility.